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TE, EC, TC error in Samsung washing machine

If the Samsung electronics washing machine shows a TE, EC, TC error (depending on the model), this is accompanied by a shutdown of the program a couple of seconds after starting. Retrying to turn it on doesn't help. Water may collect, the drum will spin several times, but after a couple of minutes this fault code appears again. Errors TE, EC, TC mean that the temperature sensor that measures the temperature of the water in the unit is not working properly. Some codes - for example, TE - appear only before the start of the wash. They are typical of both ordinary washers and those that have a drying function.

Is it possible to reset on your own?

Before the arrival of the master, it is worth trying to solve the problem yourself. The problem may be that the contacts have gone. It is enough to move or compact them. Sometimes pressing the temperature correction button and resetting the value helps - if the code disappears, then the sensors began to wedge. Error TE, EC, TC also occurs due to a temporary software failure of the control module. This issue is resolved by rebooting. The machine is disconnected from the network and stays like this for up to 15 minutes, then it turns on again.

What are the breakdowns?

If the TE, EC, TC error does not disappear even after a reboot, this indicates such malfunctions:

Breaking Causes How to eliminate
The breakdown code appears immediately after starting or after a few minutes on a high-temperature program. The thermistor is broken. This is the name of the sensor that measures the temperature of the water. Installing a new sensor. In most models, it cannot be changed separately, only by replacing the entire heating element.
The water does not heat up, the program freezes. TENA failure. Installation of a new heating element.
The code appears immediately after locking the door or starting the dryer. Failure of the electronic module. Resoldering and restoration of burned-out module elements. If the problem is in the processor, replace the board.
The door is locked, but the program does not start. Damaged wiring / contacts. Restoration or replacement of wiring / contacts.
The code appears when switching to the drying function. The drying temperature sensor is broken. Installing a new sensor, or, if this is not possible, a heating element.
The program stops after drying starts. The sensor that detects the temperature of the fan housing is broken. Housing thermistor replacement.
The sensor that detects the temperature of the drained condensate is faulty. Installing a new condensate thermistor.

If you have any questions or want to call the mechanic, call us (order a call back)