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FC0, FC1, FC2 error in Haier washing machine

When errors FC0, FC1, FC2 appear on the display of the Haier electronic washing machine, this is accompanied by the fact that the program does not start at all. As a rule, you cannot even choose the appropriate parameters. It is impossible to press the start button, one of these fault codes immediately lights up.

Before the arrival of the mechanic, you need to try to fix the problem yourself. Error FC0, FC1, FC2 indicates a failure of the control module. It can be temporary, one-time. It is enough to restart the module to correct the situation. To do this, the washing machine must be disconnected from the mains, let it stand for 10-15 minutes, and then turn it on again.

If the restart does not help, then the control board is broken and needs to be replaced.

If you have any questions or want to call the mechanic, call us (order a call back).